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Train your mind and the body will follow

For 10 years, yoga has been my happy place and helped me strengthen in more ways than I can describe. Over the past 6 weeks studying yoga in India, a whole new understanding has revealed itself. In our country, often times we see yoga as a physical means to help us de-stress and strengthen. However, after learning this art in depth, it is clear that yoga is truly a practice of the mind that leads to a healthy inner and outer self.

And who is this inner and outer self? Who you are is a result of your habits. How you think about yourself, how you act, the friends you choose, the career you choose and your passions. Whatever you focus on, you create habits that results in who you are. When you don't like something in your life, when something is present that does not serve you, it is also through focus and habits that you can create change.

Although this is a simple concept, it is the most powerful way to take control of your life and your mind. All of us grow up to have a racing monkey-mind, and by learning to focus it, we gain true freedom. If you have negative thought patterns, make a habit to use self affirmations daily. If you want to improve your body health, make a heabit to exercise daily and eat clean. If you want to do ANYTHING, simply train the mind an the body will follow

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