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Instead of a New Years Resolution...

Each new year, there's usually a few phrases flying around : "New Year's Resolution", what you're "giving up" for new years, or "why 2019 is going to be better than 2018". This tradition is great because it encourages us to take a step back from our busy lives and create intentions.

However, I didn't find these lasting or effective for me, so I began digging into why. I realized that they were all for trying to get rid of something negative... like negative reinforcement. In my experience, if I focus on the negative, it gets more attention and seems to fight back harder. So instead of being rid of something negative, what if I invited something positive? Decide what I DO want instead of just what I don't. So for the past few years I've changed my wording to be something that I've resonated more deeply with:

"What do I what to invite into my life this year"?

I decided to start figuring out what I wanted to open myself up to that fear has maybe been body guarding the door, or my negative thoughts have been crippling me. With my eyes set on what I wanted to see in my life, I felt like I had a New Years intention that was digestible, reachable and most of all: stick-with-able.

I know you might be thinking that all these new years thoughts are covered in glitter and gold that often, by the time January 31st rolls around, have turned into a faded murky gray. So how should you say it, mean it, and follow through with it?

This is what I've found the most effective. Make sure you read all 3 steps!


Even when you feel settled, life can throw curveballs... And it will! Money, relationships, your health and honestly anything could change next year. The plans could change, but big picture goals don't change even when the details do.

My first year doing this, I was in a relationship headed to marriage that ended up stopping abruptly, I began a business just to end up leaving it, and I moved from a life of travel to staying at my parents house, single and not sure where to take the next step. I definitely hadn't planned any of that, but the things I had invited into my life remained constant the whole year, and despite the difficult changes, I felt more at peace and happy even during the stormy weather. I had invited: deeper friendships (which I found in people I never would have expected), belief in myself, and peace. I really set myself up for success for no matter what happened, and it was one of the best years of my life.


Write it, type it, draw it, just get it out of your head and onto something outside yourself. Then put it somewhere you'll see it often. I write it at the top of every month on my desk calendar. You can put it on your mirror, on the inside of your closet door or as a weekly reminder on your phone. This is also why simple is better- so every time you see those few words, even in a rush you can digest them and apply them.


Picture yourself with all of these things, and believe it being true with full conviction! Of this whole plan, this is the most important part. By seeing it come to fruition in your mind's eye, you automatically begin opening yourself up to having these things in your life. Your subconscious will start going to work to make these thoughts mirror reality. Repeat this step as often as you can. This builds your belief muscle in yourself. Know that whatever the universe presents to you, you will accept with open arms, confident in what you've invited into your presence in every moment, rain or shine.

So this year, before going out to ring in the new year, gift yourself a few minutes to set the solid foundation for the next year of your life. And even if you are reading this in mid-July, don't wait! This doesn't have to be done at new year, the time is always now and your life is always being molded by your own fingertips. ~Dream big, believe big~

What I am inviting into 2019:

-Intuition (listening to it for decisions, love, friendships and how best to help others and my community).

-Tribe (those I am meant to learn from, those I am meant to help, and those I am meant to enjoy life with)

-Acceptance (of my gifts and shortcomings, of others and of everything that happens in life)

Happy New Year- I hope this next year's if full of everything you want to invite into it!


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